Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My 1st Blog!

This is my very first post! I am nervous and very excited at the same time!!!!!!!!! I am starting this blog because my husband and I have a very exciting life raising 4 amazing little boys.  I joined facebook back in the fall of 2010 and would just post little things that happened throughout our day and you would not believe the reactions we got (at least we couldn't). I have heard, "You should write a book." oh about 500 times....and I don't even know how to do that or if anyone would actually read it but....this is our REAL life, the life that the good Lord above gave us.....so we are willing to share it with you....one post at a time!  
BTW I know the site is BLAH...but I am going to do something about that tomorrow (in my spare time HA)